Help Empower the Ministry of the Dayton Church
Time, talent and treasure - these are the elements which enable and empower the Dayton Church to work towards furthering the Kingdom of God in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The pages of this website provide snapshots of how members and friends share of their time and talents, breathing life into the church's ministries. The purpose of this page is to let you know how you might share your treasure with the church, so that we might continue to share God's love with our congregation, community and the world.
There are several methods of supporting the church with you tax deductible gifts. Ordinarily, you are welcome to place cash or checks into our collection plate on Sunday morning. In the face of the pandemic, however, church services are now only open to the church family virtually while the building is closed. Checks can be mailed to P.O. Box 435 - Dayton, NJ 08810.
We are so glad to announce the introduction of online giving at the Dayton Church! You are now welcome to give your financial gifts to the church through our "Give Now" button! Simply click on the "Give Now" graphic, and you will be directed to a donation page - where you can give a one time or recurring gift to the church through Vanco Give Plus. After giving, you will immediately receive an email confirmation.
And to make things even easier for you - you can put a free Give Plus mobile app on your phone! Simply go to your app store and search for the Give Plus app. Once it has been downloaded to your phone, open the app and type in First Presbyterian Church at Dayton or our zip code - 08810. After setting up your profile, you'll be able to give financial gifts to the church easily, as you feel both able and called.
Understand more of how online giving works by clicking here.
Check out some FAQ's about online giving here.
Watch a brief video, explaining the Give Plus App by clicking here.
Help Enable and Empower the Ministry of the Dayton Church. Give Now.