The Dayton Church carries out its mission through various ministries of the church,
all of which are led by passionate people organized into teams/committees.
Some examples of our teams are listed below.

The Worship Committee: This ministry works hand in hand with the pastor and is responsible for overseeing many aspects of worship including communion and the scheduling of ushers/greeters. The committee invites all members and friends of the congregation to consider giving flowers to beautify our chancel on Sunday mornings. You may dedicate your flowers in memory or honor of a loved one, or in celebration of a special occasion; the dedication will be printed in that Sunday's bulletin.
Reserve a date(s) for flowers via the church office at or sign up in Fellowship Hall.

Fellowship Committee: This ministry team strives to bring together all people within our community and enable stronger personal connections through a variety of events. These include a Pie Bake, Cookie Walk, Christmas party, church brunches & other special gatherings. They invite everyone to consider hosting a Fellowship hour after church, and will supply paper plates, cups, cutlery and coffee. Call the church office at (732) 329-2463 to reserve a date!
The Church is the body of Christ.
Christ gives to the Church
all the gifts necessary to be his body.
The Church strives to demonstrate
these gifts in its life as a community in the world (1Cor. 12:27-28):
The Church is to be a community of faith, entrusting itself to God alone,
even at the risk of losing its life.
The Church is to be a community of hope, rejoicing in the sure and certain knowledge that, in Christ,
God is making a new creation.
This new creation is a new beginning
for human life and for all things.
The Church lives in the present
on the strength of that promised
new creation.
The Church is to be a community of love,
where sin is forgiven,
reconciliation is accomplished,
and the dividing walls of hostility are torn down.
The Church is to be a community of witness, pointing beyond itself
through word and work
to the good news
of God's transforming grace
in Christ Jesus its Lord.
Book of Order G-1.03
Stewardship Committee: Stewardship is recognizing that all we have is a gift from God, all we have belongs to God, and all we have is to be used to serve and enjoy God. Our ministry of stewardship involves budget oversight, stewardship programs, and guardianship of investments. All members and friends are invited to make a pledge commitment to our church and its ministries - or they can give regularly through our online giving program! Click here for details!
Click above to download a facility rental request form.
Buildings & Grounds Committee: This ministry team manages the physical properties of the church which include our sanctuary, fellowship hall/kitchen, education building, manse and grounds. Members of the committee serve on Long Range Planning to identify facility issues and opportunities. Additionall,y they oversee all rentals of the building.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: This ministry serves as an outreach to provide comfort, care, love, solace and shelter to anyone in need. The shawl is an age-old symbol of our inclusive, unconditionally loving God, and the members of our ministry help to spread God's love with their handmade gifts. Each knitted or crocheted shawl begins with a prayer for the crafter, the materials and continual prayer for the recipient during its creation. A final blessing is given by the group as our shawls are presented at monthly gatherings. New members are welcome! Contact the church office for more information at (732) 329-2463. If you would like to receive a prayer shawl, or give one to a friend, click on the picture to the left to submit a request form.